There are many ways you can help Ukraine. But if you donate to Sister’s Sister, you’ll know where your money goes, what it accomplishes, and who it helps. We post all our achievements and pictures on the website for you to see. THANK YOU!
Donations can be made in three ways:

1. CHECKS: Please write checks to Sister’s Sister, Inc. Please mail your checks to 357 East Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
2. ZELLE: Convenient online transfer from your bank account to ours. Please scan the QR code below or search for Sister’s Sister, Inc on your Zelle page, add our email, choose the amount you’d like to donate, and “send” the money. No fees are accessed for this transaction.

3. VENMO: Convenient online money transfer, but it incurs 2% transaction fee. Please find Sister’s Sister on Venmo, or scan the QR code to the right.